Friday, October 1, 2010

day one...

october is here...don't worry that it might hit ninety today in the beautiful salt lake valley...i'm really not minding the few extra days of summer this year...although i do love me some yummy hot chocolate...wearing fall boots and coats...the crisp feeling in the air...the heaven sent hues of mother nature...the anticipation of holidays...the first snow excuse to over indulge in just about anything....that warm fuzzy feeling that only this time of the year can bring...but until next week, when the thermometer will be sent spiraling into the sixties...the little one will be getting in some of his favorite play time...the kind that only summer can bring...diapers only in our house today!random fact #1 about trisomy 21 (down syndrome): the average age for a woman to have a child with ds is fact 75% of children born with down syndrome are born to a young mother...why: because most women have children before 35...our chances were approximately 1 in 1500...and i wake up thankful everyday that we got to be that one.


  1. I can't wait for fall! We were 105 on Wed, 98 yesterday and today is 95...I'm so ready for jeans, boots and big warm sweaters!!!

  2. Me too! Happy Down syndrome awareness month to you!


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