Friday, March 29, 2013

The day I learned what faith is...

Today my three year old taught me faith. As we played with some toys that the nurses brought into his hospital room to make him feel more at home, Camden suddenly and so elegantly folded his tiny arms...looked right into my eyes and said "prayers". At first I thought I misunderstood because with his terrible twos Camden associated prayers with bed and yelled no in disdain when we would begin to say them. I looked back at my three year old and said "you want to say a prayer?" He then nodded his head and continued with his arms folded over his tiny frame. We sat on the hospital floor surrounded by a pretend doctor set bowed our heads and proceeded to say a prayer. Camden always finishes our prayers so at the end I opened my eyes and paused...there before me sat my tiny little man, who was not too long ago just a baby, with his arms in a fold, his eyes closed and his head bowed in prayer...he looked up at me at the pause and said "amen".

At three years old my child taught me what faith means...and I was humbled.

Today is our third day in the hospital...I woke up this morning thinking it was very possible we might be able to come home today...and now I am not so sure after speaking with Camden's doctor. As of now, there seem to be more questions than we have answers for. Thank you all so much for the prayers, kindness and well wishes. We feel them all.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

They sleep...

Right now I am sitting on the floor under the couch where my toddler is past out to Monsters Inc. after a morning full of vomit...with a baby past out in my arms after nursing. My hair is still a mess, I'm still in my pajamas, Saturday plans have been canceled...and I am overwhelmed with a sense of could I be this lucky? What is it about sleeping babes that turns any situation into the best moment of your life?

Thursday, March 21, 2013

World Down Syndrome Day...

Today in our home we are celebrating our oldest...and that extra special little bit of extra. Life would not be the same without our little stud muffin...and we can not thank the Heavens above enough for everything that he has brought into our lives. He has given us perspective, taught us perseverance, brought unconditional love into our home and he makes us laugh every day...we are better because of him, and that extra chromosome. Thank you Camden for choosing us.

Help us spread Down Syndrome awareness today by wearing blue and yellow or sporting your funkiest mismatched socks. Today was chosen (3/21) because of that third 21st chromosome.

Happy World Down Syndrome Day!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Spread the word...

Today is the official "spread the word to end the word" day...the "r" word or "retard(ed)" has a formal definition, it means: someone who is slower to advance (mentally) for their age...but in today's society...through popular movies, music, and in everyday speech this word has been changed to mean something less than, dumb, ridiculous, or disliked...take the pledge at to help us officially end the use of this word...let's all think before we speak, eh? Camden thanks you in advance and maybe he will get to grow up in a world where this word is taboo and he is accepted for who he is.

Our ScrapBook...