Friday, March 29, 2013

The day I learned what faith is...

Today my three year old taught me faith. As we played with some toys that the nurses brought into his hospital room to make him feel more at home, Camden suddenly and so elegantly folded his tiny arms...looked right into my eyes and said "prayers". At first I thought I misunderstood because with his terrible twos Camden associated prayers with bed and yelled no in disdain when we would begin to say them. I looked back at my three year old and said "you want to say a prayer?" He then nodded his head and continued with his arms folded over his tiny frame. We sat on the hospital floor surrounded by a pretend doctor set bowed our heads and proceeded to say a prayer. Camden always finishes our prayers so at the end I opened my eyes and paused...there before me sat my tiny little man, who was not too long ago just a baby, with his arms in a fold, his eyes closed and his head bowed in prayer...he looked up at me at the pause and said "amen".

At three years old my child taught me what faith means...and I was humbled.

Today is our third day in the hospital...I woke up this morning thinking it was very possible we might be able to come home today...and now I am not so sure after speaking with Camden's doctor. As of now, there seem to be more questions than we have answers for. Thank you all so much for the prayers, kindness and well wishes. We feel them all.


  1. Wow. That's great! Max still has no clue what a prayer is, won't fold his arms, laughs when we close our eyes, nor does he speak... someday, maybe ;)

  2. What a precious moment you can cherish forever. We're praying so hard for Camden and your family. We love you guys!

  3. This was so beautiful Tonya, what a precious moment you can treasure forever. Praying Cam is well soon.

  4. This made my heart melt! What a sweet boy. We're praying as well!


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