it was one of those days. you know the kind...when, you can't wake up and you immediately get that feeling...the go back to bed and throw those covers back over that head of yours feeling. yep, one of those days.
one of those days...when, as you pack to leave the house in a rush you can smell a fresh diaper, so you hurry to change a wiggly little boy who refuses to stay on his back long enough to get the diaper off let alone wipe whatever else is left over...and as you try to get a fresh one strapped on before roley poley oley runs away naked and free you can feel your chances at getting that bottom of his clothed decreasing by the second, and your time is running out.
one of those days...when, with fifteen minutes left to feed said naked child lunch he decides lunch means steal the spoon from mom time. after six spoons, a mess of a floor and a half fed child you have to give up, grab what you can, try to clothe that bare butt baby and strap shoes onto feet that are ever crawling away.
one of those days...when, you reach your destination and you notice, because an amused friend ever so sweetly points out, that you put your child's shoes on the wrong feet...and as you sit down to lunch for yourself, you switch his shoes back and realize that the steal the spoon game earlier left your just washed jeans, unknowingly, drenched in bright orange sweet potatoes.
yep it was one of those days...when the universe tried to warn me...and i didn't listen.
at least i got a few good laughs out of it. and yummy lunch with yummy friends.