Saturday, October 30, 2010

day twenty-nine...and thirty.

i am bad i know...i was doing so well too! but my daddy got into town i will probably be hit and miss through these last couple of to come though! promise.
random fact about down syndrome 29 and 30...there is a world in this new life we have. one that exists among every day life, where families are working together each day. each day to find inclusion for their kids, each day to make a better life for them, to outgrow the current standards, to rise above the prejudices, to make a difference...and i am honored to be just one more in the sea of these have others to turn to, to build on, to befriend.

"We often think that having a child with Trisomy 21 is like gaining membership to a secret club, a club you never knew you wanted to be in or even existed, but once you are in, you are so thankful that you were chosen."

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